
This page shows all of our Quilt Patterns. Click on the small picture to see a larger image and pattern description.

“Santa Trees”
mt101   10″x22″   $5.00

“Bunny Tales”
mt102   18″x20″   $5.00
“Spring Tulips”
mt103   9″x22″   $5.00

“Amish Windmills”
mt104   14″x18″   $5.00

“Uncle Sam & Company”
mt105   18″x23″   $5.00
“Ghouls on Parade”
mt106   14″x24″   $5.00

“Christmas Memories”
mt107   15″x15″   $5.00

“Slice of Summer”
mt108   14″x14″   $5.00

“My Summer Garden”
mt109   18″x25″   $5.00

“The Nutcracker”
mt110   16″x9½”   $5.00

“Waiting for Santa”
mt111   11″x13″   $5.00

“Pieceful Hearts”
mt112   13″x14″   $5.00

“Into The Woods”
mt113   25″x31″   $8.00

mt114   19″x19″   $7.50

“Simply Amish”
mt115    9″x9″   $5.00

“In Bloom”
mt116    9″x9″   $5.00
“Warm Hands”
mt117   $8.00  (8 designs)
“Seeds to Sew”
mt118  $8.00  (8 designs)

“Home For the Harvest”
mt119  20″x20″  $8.00

“Stitched for Christmas”
mt120  $8.00

“Trim the Tree”
mt121  $8.00

“Patch Purses”
mt122  $8.00

    Wholesale Information Request Form

    If you wish to order patterns for your quilting business, fill out the form below, so that we
    may contact you.

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    [ Home ] [ Santa Trees ] [ Bunny Tales ] [ Spring Tulips ] [ Amish Windmills ] [ Uncle Sam & Company ] [ Ghouls on Parade ] [ Christmas Memories ] [ Slice of Summer ] [ My Summer Garden ] [ The Nutcracker ] [ Waiting for Santa ] [ Pieceful Hearts ] [ Into The Woods ] [ All-a-Flutter ] [ Simply Amish ] [ In Bloom ] [ Warm Hands ] [ Seeds to Sew ] [ Home For the Harvest ] [ Stitched for Christmas ] [ Trim the Tree ] [ Patch Purses ]

    If you have questions about any of the items on this site, please send mail to [email protected]